Is Your Website Designed for Mobile Phones?

Take a moment to look at your company’s website on your mobile.


There’s a strong chance people are discovering your brand on a mobile phone first.

Here’s a chart from our client’s Google Analytics (GA4) account to support this claim:

The data shows that between 1 April 2023 and 28 June 2023, nearly 80,000 new users stumbled across our client’s brand via their mobile phone.

It’s never been more important to have a mobile friendly website.

Google even says that if your site takes ten (10) seconds to load, you increase the chance of someone leaving by 123%.

Are you checking your own website again on your phone?

Go on… I’ll wait here…

But people don’t make big purchases on their phones, do they?

There used to be an argument that people discover you on mobile, and then move to a desktop or laptop device to make a purchase, especially for bigger ticket items.

This is not necessarily true.

Here’s an Exploration table (available in GA4) that shows our client’s revenue by device for the same period:

The data indicates people are more than willing to buy from our client on their mobile phones.

For context, this client’s Average Order Value is $387.00, so we’re not talking about Temu purchases, either.

What does this mean for me?

Spend 30 minutes browsing your own site on your mobile phone and test the following:

  1. Fill out all the forms and double check the messages go through
  2. Run through the checkout process (if eCommerce)
  3. Make sure the navigation menus work
  4. Click the buttons and ask whether they are easy to see
  5. Check the font size is easy to read
  6. Note down any pages that take a long time to load

This list is not exhaustive – there are hundreds of factors that go into a mobile friendly website design.

OK, my website looks terrible on mobile, now what?

Reach out to us.

We’ve designed and developed hundreds of mobile friendly websites for customers across Australia and overseas. See our website design portfolio, or book a free 30 minute consult, today.

Picture of Jamie Press

Jamie Press

Digital Marketing Specialist - SEO 15+ years digital marketing agency experience in Sydney and Perth. Jamie's job is to strategise and execute SEO campaigns for Eurisko's clients. His writing has featured on SmartCompany,,,, and amongst others.

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Go beyond simply existing online. Get ready to build a presence that generates consistent growth and drives revenue for your business. Contact us to discuss a roadmap for a brighter, bolder future.