Boost Traffic, Branding & Conversions with Funnel-Focused Content

Struggling to bring in targeted traffic and leads from your website?

Creating blog content targeting top, middle and bottom of the funnel customers can give you two things:

  1. Increased traffic and brand awareness by targeting top of the funnel searches (awareness stage).
  2. Increased conversions by targeting customers in the middle and bottom of the funnel (consideration and decision stages).

Here are a couple of examples (client identities protected).

Top of the funnel = increased traffic and brand awareness

Below is a screenshot from a client’s Google Search Console account for a top of the funnel blog post answering a common question, “how long does X last”:

Because our client is also running Google Ads, every one of the visitors to this blog post gets added to a remarketing list that we can present future offers to. This instantly increases the value of content targeting people at the awareness stage.

Bottom of the funnel = increased conversions

Here’s a screenshot from another client’s Google Analytics 4 (GA4) account showing conversions on a blog post, launched two months ago, for a bottom of the funnel term “best X in Australia”:

This post has only been live for a couple of months, and it’s driving conversions because it targets people further down the purchase funnel.

These are customers who are actively weighing up their options. You can see the high engagement rate, too.

As we keep optimising the content and building links, we expect the rankings to increase. Traffic and conversions should follow suit.

In summary

Make sure your blog content targets customers at all stages of the buyer’s journey and don’t just publish company news – not that many people care!

We’re a fast-growing SEO company in Perth who can help you create content that targets customers at all stages of the purchase funnel.

Why not reach out and book a free 30 minute consultation today.

Picture of Jamie Press

Jamie Press

Digital Marketing Specialist - SEO 15+ years digital marketing agency experience in Sydney and Perth. Jamie's job is to strategise and execute SEO campaigns for Eurisko's clients. His writing has featured on SmartCompany,,,, and amongst others.

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